Thursday, 16 May 2013


Unhealthy lifestyle and eating outdoors regularly can increase your risk of heart diseases. One way to maintain a healthy heart is to increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. 

Cholesterol is something that the body needs to build and maintain cellular health. 

There are two kinds of cholesterol and they are:

LDL - this is the "bad" cholesterol that can cling to arterial walls and create blockages that result in strokes and heart attacks.

HDL - this is the good type that is going to actually protect you from heart disease.

We get cholesterol from our foods, but our bodies can also make it too. Hence this leads to high levels of cholesterol in the arteries.

Certain herbs can lower high cholesterol. These are:


Garlic is the most common herb that is used in Indian cooking and no dish tastes the same without it. Having two to three garlic cloves a day can break down bad cholesterol and free it from the arterial walls.


This green herb adds freshness, flavour and colour to any meal. Coriander is a diuretic that will flush out waste and even excess cholesterol.


Tulsi disintegrates cholesterol from the arteries and washes it from the body.

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