Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Cold, sore throat as well as coughs is some very common ailments that affect almost all individuals during the changes in the seasons. While coughing might sound irritating, it is yet the most effective means of clearing the lungs and the airways. Coughing tends to flush the mucus out and also helps in catching the breath if food or even drink has gone down through a wrong pipe. Several drugs available in the market today tend to hamper this natural activity of eliminating toxins from the body.
For instance taking nasal drops tends to dry the nasal secretions. These secretions are the ways by which the body tends to excrete germ laden mucus. Cough syrups tend to suppress the cough and further prevent the clearance of such passages. While facing such mundane ailments it is always advised to opt for homemade remedies which offer short tem reliefs without an interference with the body’s healing ability.
One such formula for relief as per home remedies includes the golden syrups. These golden syrups can be easily prepared by anyone with basic ingredients that are available in most households. The syrup can be made by mixing one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Add to this a drop of malt vinegar and see the change in your cough patterns. The intensity of cough would be greatly reduced.
Put these ingredients together in a bottle. Take at least one tablespoon of the mixture in every three hours. The mixture would help soothe the dry as well as rasping cough. Mixture cannot be called a sedative and therefore may be taken as per requirement. It would also not have additional side effects of sleep or discomfort while working.
Also the golden syrup will not harm the body’s processes. The honey used in the mixture would provide the skin with an additional glow. The lemon juice is acidic in nature and would eliminate the germs. These are tested remedies which have been passed from one generation to another over a period of time.
In case of small children who may get affected by constant intake of chemical, such remedies are ideal solutions. Most mothers even today rely on home remedies rather than doctors. But this does not imply that all ailments have ayurvedic solutions rather if the situation gets worse one must consult a professional doctor. Home remedies are merely an option.

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